Phillip Morgan

Board Member-at-Large, Gish House Committee

I was born in the old Jefferson Hospital on Franklin Road, thus making me a native-born resident of Old Southwest. In November 1961, my parents bought 606/608 Walnut Avenue and there I lived until July 1976 when we moved to the—horrors!— suburbs. I have many great childhood memories growing up in Old Southwest. (Picnics at the “crossroads” in Highland Park, Fun Night at Highland Park School, climbing the “cliff” of Elephant Rock, lemonade stands, playing GI Joe at the construction site of the field house (you may pay your respects to ole Joe, as he is entombed in the footers of said foundation), summer City Park programs, and so much more). College in Sarasota, Florida and Salem, Virginia didn’t deter my desire to live in “my” neighborhood. In January 1986, I purchased the 1913 Cannaday home, just down the street from where I grew up. Fortunately, the house retained most, if not all, of its original architectural details. I have been active in neighborhood affairs since the beginning of the OSW, Inc. organization, including “Survey Sunday” when we all canvassed the neighborhood photographing and documenting every structure in order to get the neighborhood on the National Historic Register. I am proud to hold the title of “that weird guy that lives on the block,” and I do my best to uphold that honor. My neighbors would have to fill you in on the details of that distinction, although an 8-foot tombstone displayed in my front yard sort of sets that tone. It’s an awesome feeling to walk the sidewalks I walked and played on as a child these 60 years later and knowing, regardless of where in the world I may wander, OSW is always “home.” Spirit, my cat, keeps the home-fires burning while I venture into the world running my Estate Sales business to keep her comfortable in Fancy Feast and “necessary chamber” supplies. I want nothing but the best for our neighborhood, its people, its buildings, and our city.